陈永雷,博士,副教授(Associate Professor)。1999年毕业于兰州大学化学化工学院并获学士学位、2003获硕士学位,2017年获分析化学专业博士学位。2004年7月起在兰州大学化学化工学院任教,先后主讲本科生《检测化学》、《分析化学》课程。参与编写的《分析化学》教材2012年由高教出版社出版发行,参与编写的《分析化学内容精选与习题解答》2013年由高教出版社出版发行。曾获2013年度兰州大学“隆基教育教学奖”教学新秀奖。2015年获兰州大学教学成果奖一等奖,2017年获甘肃省教育厅级教学成果奖。
研究领域包括纳米分析化学、化学信息学、分子光谱在分析科学中的应用、分离方法等。先后参与4项国家自然科学基金项目,主持2项横向项目。指导校级创新创业项目4项,省级创新创业项目1项,其中1项获得第二届大学生化学科技创新交流会三等奖。已在Analytical Chemistry、Dyes and Pigments等刊物上发表研究论文30余篇。
近3年代表性论文(Representative Publications):
1. Yangxia Han, Yonglei Chen*, Juanjuan Liu, Xiaoying Niu, Yunxia Ma, Sudai Ma, Xingguo Chen*, Room-Temperature Synthesis of Yellow-Emitting Fluorescent Silicon Nanoparticles for Sensitive and Selective Determination of Crystal Violet in Fish Tissues, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.snb.2018.02.163.
2. Yonglei Chen, Shuyun Han, Shenghong Yang, Qiaosheng Pu*, Rhodanine stabilized gold nanoparticles for sensitive and selective detection of mercury (II), Dyes and Pigments, 2017, 142: 126-131.
3. Yangxia Han, Yonglei Chen*, Jie Feng,Juanjuan Liu, Sudai Ma, Xingguo Chen*,One-pot synthesis of fluorescent silicon nanoparticles for sensitive and selective determination of 2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol in aqueous solution, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(5): 3001-3008.
4. Jie Feng, Yonglei Chen*, Yangxia Han, Juanjuan Liu, Sudai Ma, Huige Zhang, Xingguo Chen*, pH-regulated synthesis of trypsin-templated copper nanoclusters with blue and yellow fluorescent emission, ACS Omega, 2017, 2 (12): 9109-9117.
5. SudaiMa, Yonglei Chen*, Jie Feng, Juanjuan Liu, Xianwei Zuo, Xingguo Chen*, One-step synthesis of water-dispersible and biocompatible silicon nanoparticles for selective heparin sensing and cell imaging, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88(21): 10474-10481.
6. Jie Feng, Yonglei Chen*, Yangxia Han, Juanjuan Liu, Cuiling Ren, Xingguo Chen*, Fluorescent carbon nanoparticles: A low-temperature trypsin-assisted preparation and Fe3+ sensing, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 926: 107-117.
7. Juanjuan Liu,Yonglei Chen*, Weifeng Wang, Jie Feng, Shoujiao Peng, Sudai Ma, Hongli Chen, Xingguo Chen*, Effective synthesis of highly fluorescent nitrogen doped carbon nanoparticles for selective sensing of Hg2+ in food and cosmetics samples. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(92): 89916-89924.